The Nexus of Leadership Models, Influence Tactics, and Power in Shaping Organizational Outcomes


  • Aji Surakhmat
  • Rosita Dwi Hapsari
  • Eka Budi Arta



leadership models, influence tactics, power, organizational outcomes, effectiveness


This study explores the intricate interplay between leadership models, influence tactics, and the exercise of power in shaping organizational outcomes. By examining how different leadership approaches, ranging from transactional to transformational, intersect with various influence tactics and power dynamics, this research aims to provide insights into their combined impact on organizational effectiveness. Through empirical analysis and theoretical synthesis, the study sheds light on the complex relationships among these variables and their implications for managerial practice and organizational success.


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How to Cite

Aji Surakhmat, Rosita Dwi Hapsari, & Eka Budi Arta. (2024). The Nexus of Leadership Models, Influence Tactics, and Power in Shaping Organizational Outcomes. Digital Innovation : International Journal of Management, 1(2), 31–39.