Transformative Strategies for Prisoner Development in Class 1 Correctional Institutions: Promoting Social Reintegration and Deterrence of Law Violations


  • Lia Ferina
  • Ocha Febriyanti
  • Wahyu Imellya Pratiwi



Prisoner development, correctional institutions, social reintegration, law violations


This study delves into the design and implementation of transformative strategies for the development of prisoners in Class 1 correctional institutions. It focuses on fostering social reintegration and preventing the recurrence of law violations through comprehensive rehabilitation programs and targeted interventions. By analyzing the effectiveness of these strategies, the study aims to contribute valuable insights to the field of correctional rehabilitation and prisoner reintegration.


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2024-04-22 — Updated on 2024-05-11


How to Cite

Lia Ferina, Ocha Febriyanti, & Wahyu Imellya Pratiwi. (2024). Transformative Strategies for Prisoner Development in Class 1 Correctional Institutions: Promoting Social Reintegration and Deterrence of Law Violations. EPaper Bisnis : International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management , 1(1), 51–57. (Original work published April 22, 2024)


