Enhancing Employee Compliance in the Civil Service: Assessing the Effectiveness of Electronic Absence Management Systems in Office Environments


  • Lutfhi Nur Fahri
  • Elda Agil Restuti
  • Elda Agil Restuti




electronic absence management, employee compliance, Civil Service, State Civil Service Apparatus (ASN), organizational efficiency


This study investigates the effectiveness of implementing an electronic absence management system to enhance employee compliance within the Civil Service, specifically focusing on the State Civil Service Apparatus (ASN) in office environments. The research assesses how the introduction of electronic systems impacts employee absenteeism rates, adherence to attendance policies, and overall organizational efficiency. Through a comparative analysis of traditional and electronic absence management methods, this study aims to provide insights into the benefits and challenges of adopting digital solutions in improving employee obedience and administrative processes in the civil service sector.


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How to Cite

Lutfhi Nur Fahri, Elda Agil Restuti, & Elda Agil Restuti. (2024). Enhancing Employee Compliance in the Civil Service: Assessing the Effectiveness of Electronic Absence Management Systems in Office Environments. EPaper Bisnis : International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management , 1(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.61132/epaperbisnis.v1i1.1


