Ship Maintenance Management Practices: Insights from Internships in Shipping Engineering


  • Pargaulan Dwikora Simanjuntak Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran



ship maintenance, internship, shipping engineering, maintenance management, maritime education


This research investigates ship maintenance management practices among senior students in shipping engineering during their internships at a vocational school in Jakarta. The study explores the challenges faced, strategies employed, and lessons learned in managing maintenance tasks onboard ships. Seven participants were interviewed, highlighting technical malfunctions, resource limitations, time constraints, environmental factors, and communication barriers as primary challenges. Participants utilized preventive maintenance, cross-training, task prioritization, collaborative problem-solving, and digital tools to enhance operational efficiency. Lessons underscored the importance of preparation, teamwork, adaptability, continuous learning, and communication skills in navigating maritime maintenance complexities. The findings emphasize the role of proactive maintenance strategies and technological integration in optimizing sustainability and operational reliability within the maritime industry. Integrating practical training into educational curricula and embracing digital innovations are recommended for preparing future professionals. Future research could explore larger sample sizes and quantitative methodologies to validate findings and quantify the impact of maintenance practices. This study contributes to enhancing vocational education in maritime sciences and informs industry practices for advancing ship maintenance management globally.


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How to Cite

Pargaulan Dwikora Simanjuntak. (2024). Ship Maintenance Management Practices: Insights from Internships in Shipping Engineering. Green Inflation: International Journal of Management and Strategic Business Leadership, 1(3), 67–79.


