Analyzing Client Satisfaction in Outdoor Education and Training Services: Insights from Surveys and Interviews


  • Yesi Kumalasari
  • Nur Azka Wahida
  • Nadya Wahyu Ratnawati



interviews, surveys, training services, outdoor education, client satisfaction


This research examines client satisfaction within the realm of outdoor education and training services. Employing surveys and interviews with training participants, along with quantitative and qualitative data analysis, the study investigates factors influencing client satisfaction. Results underscore the significance of training materials' quality, instructor experience, facilities, and social interaction in shaping satisfaction levels. The implications of these findings offer actionable insights for outdoor education and training service providers to enhance service quality and bolster client satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Yesi Kumalasari, Nur Azka Wahida, & Nadya Wahyu Ratnawati. (2024). Analyzing Client Satisfaction in Outdoor Education and Training Services: Insights from Surveys and Interviews. Green Inflation: International Journal of Management and Strategic Business Leadership, 1(2), 32–45.


